Wednesday, April 14, 2010

family transition : an issue faced by many adolescents

Family transition is basically family instability. This can be due to divorce, remarriage of the same spouse with one and other or bringing a new member in the house.

It is well said that a house is made up of blocks but a home is made up of love and the major contribution of love is from the parents or the elders of the house. They are the ones who built an environment in a home whether of love, affection and bond relationships or an environment of execration.

The build environment in the house affects every member of the family. It mostly affects the youngsters of the house. The impact of family transition or severe family problems existing in homes affects the child not only the pre natively as well as post natively.

During pregnancy if a woman goes through severe problems, family instability which would naturally make her frustrated and depressed and this will give a negative impact on the child. It is research that personality as well as the health of the child affects. Because nine months till the age of five are crucial age for personality development.

A child is developed whatever he sees and perceives form the environment and especially from family.Parents are the ones who are the building blocks of children. Due to family instability and transition parents would not be able to nurture their children with proper concentration and attention. Constant fights between spouses will create a frustrated personality in a child. The personality of the child will be shattered, lack of confidence, obstinate personality and apathy towards life are common attributes are found in a child who survives in a family which is instable.

Once a personality is made a human is developed. And moreover it also affects the associated lives. Once a child personality is fostered it becomes strong and intense at the age of adolescence. Adolescence is the process and the period of growth between childhood and maturity. It is basically a teenage life when a child starts thinking like an adult but at the same time one’s mind is immature.

Some people perceive a teenager as an adult but at the same time some perceive a child. This is the time when a child start taking decisions and during this period the decisions are mostly highly shrugged. In this age, whatever the situation is most of the adolescents have their nerves chronically on a hair trigged. At the same time teen age is the most crucial and important part of one’s life. Whatever one is through out the life is mostly due to the impacts of adolescent age. In this age children need maximum support of their parents. If they don’t get support from their parents they go here and there. This is the first stage of life when a child starts taking decisions as an adult and because of this inception a child faces many problems. This is the time when a child receives hormonal changes. A turning point goes through emotional, physical and mental changes. And due to these changes a child is confuse all himself.


  1. i agree, children with either parental control issues or abandonment problem especially face such difficulties not only in earlier childhood but till later on in life as well

  2. plus many spouse don't want to realize the fact that it badly effects their children.
