Friday, April 23, 2010

SMOKING ---its not as cool as one thinks

so you think you are really cool huh, mr. smoker- cum- wannabe- cool- stud?

well, i have got news for you buddy- you are not any of these, any guy ( or girl for that matter) having full knowledge of the hazards of smoking ( and who doesn't in today's age of awareness) and yet continues to smoke, in my opinion is down right stupid. o cant really blame the people of my fathers and grand father age for smoking because at that time nobody was really conscious about the harmful affects of cigarettes. my generation, on the other hand, has no excuse what so ever for indulging in this utterly futile pastime.

did you know in the past couple of years it has been discovered that it is not only cancer, that smoking can lead to, bu a number of other things too. for instance :

it is harmful to your looks

it may lead to blindness

second hand smokers could be affected in nearly the same manner as first hand smokers.

it may lead to early death.

it causes bad breath

it spoils your teeth

it may lead to lung cancer

you can get ' smokers cough' which is really hard to get rid of.

i know that the majority of people start smoking in their teen age, mostly due to peer pressure. yes, i know, at that teen age people wish to be a part of the ' in' crowd , one want to look ' hot' and one want to do anything to get accepted. but honestly.....does not this betray a hint of cowardice? is it really good to follow others blindly? are you that weak? aren't you a separate individual?

let me clear one thing, majority of the girls:

do not like guys who smoke, in fact we think its really impolite when a guy smokes in front of a girl or otherwise too. the yellow teeth and nicotine filled nails, not to mention bad breath, are a real turn down.

so there you have it. do you really still want to smoke? do you want to look old and haggard at a young age, when others your age are still looking fresh?

as they say, " its never to late", so if you are a smoker and you are reading this, please have some sense and give it up now. after all, you are not stupid----are you?


  1. naaaa i dont agree with this silly article...i smoke alot and girls are after me and u know that very well LMAO.

  2. It's definitely not cool. Infact, totally uncool!

  3. i truly agree with u FATEMA...

    salman get a life.
